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Karate Organizations               Also see Schools


  • AAKF Great Lakes - The American Amateur Karate Federation. Sensei details, news, events and dojo photographs.
  • Aiki-Karate-Do Association - Describes a system blend of Shotokai and Aikido. Headquarted in Liege, Belgium. [English/French]
  • All India Budokan Karate Federation - Events, training information, gallery, guidelines and form downloads.
  • American Amateur Karate Federation - Includes history, news, events, and regional contact information
  • American Institute of Martial Arts International - Information and links pertaining to affiliated clubs. Includes membership details, photo gallery, calendar, message board, shop, links and general information.
  • American Karate System - Founded by Ernest H. Lieb with clubs in Germany and USA. Events, history, members and online store.
  • Ashihara Karate - Sabaki style founded by Hoosain Narker, with locations worldwide. Structure, lineage, training information, gallery and news.
  • Ashihara Karate International - An organization headquartered in South Africa teaching a style based on Sabaki. Site features curriculum descriptions, style information, and biographies.
  • Bino Ryu Karate International - Organizational site headquarted in India. Includes membership and contact information.
  • Black Tiger Karate Kobudo Association - Kelvin Simmons organization dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional Karate and Kobudo styles. Includes membership information and costs.
  • British Karate Association - Listing courses, instructor information, tournaments, links and membership information. Caters for all styles of Karate.
  • English Karate Governing Body - The governing body for Karate in England recognized and supported by the national sports council, the European and World Karate Federations. Includes organization structure and history information, a search engine for member clubs, contact details and an events calendar.
  • European Karate Federation - The official body representing Karate in Europe. A member of the World Karate Federation. Includes information on the organizational structure, Karate history, competition rules and championship events.
  • Fukasa Ryu Bujutsu Kai - Cary Nemeroff is the president of this martial arts Sokeship organization that licenses and accredits martial arts schools. Includes services offered, contact and membership details.
  • GKR Karate - Go-Kan-Ryu style located in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States . News, grading information, and tournament results.
  • IKF Yoshukai Karate - Alabama based Chitu-Ryu clubs founded by Sensei Ray Nichols. News, events, instructors, locations, ranking system and gallery.
  • Independent Practitioners and Promoters of New England - Karate organisation listing the 2001 tournament schedule, hall of fame, pictures of competitors and promoters and links to various styles and teams that support the circuit.
  • International Hon-Do-Ryu Karate Organisation - Based on Shotokan and Kyokushinkai techniques. Committee, photographs, instructor profiles and lineage.
  • International Karate Alliance - A community of Karate clubs and individuals sharing skills and knowledge for all martial arts. Includes articles, events, training tips and lessons.
  • International Karate Association - Soke Takayuki Kubota association of Gosoku style headquarted in Glendale, California. Provides a history of the founder, the association with location, contact and membership details.
  • International Okinawan Budo-Kai - Organizational site which features history, membership, gallery, and contact information.
  • International Traditional Karate Federation - Site features description of traditional karate, technical information, pictorials, news, events, organization links and contact information.
  • Japan Karate Association - Head in Tokyo, Japan. Includes history, master's biographies, news, videos, and contact information. [English, Japanese]
  • Japan Karate Association of Australia - Takahashi's Australian branch of the JKA. Includes information on the organization, karate history, competition rules, dojo locations, contact details and events.
  • Japan Karate Federation - A single organization representing the entire Japanese karate styles world wide comprised of various prefect and regional federations, competitive organizations and schools. Includes an organization history, structure and events calendar. [Japanese/English]
  • Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai - A traditional Japanese Karate organization, dedicated to the style called Shindo Jinen ryu, founded by Yasuhiro Konishi. Features membership, directory, events and resources.
  • Juko - USA based with training in Arizona, California and New York. Class details and philosophy.
  • Karate Central - Go-Kan-Ryu Karate based in Australia. Locations, events and history.
  • Karate Federation of Slovenia - Includes country information and tournament results. [Slovenian, English]
  • Karate New Brunswick - A governing body in Canada aimed at establishing a stronger union for all members to advance karate throughout the New Brunswick province. Includes information on the organization history and structure, member styles, location and contact details.
  • Kasa Kai Independent Karate Alliance - Organization affiliated to the National Association of Karate Martial Arts Schools and teaching Wado-Ryu Karate. Features club history, picture gallery, instructor biography, black belt register, training locations throughout the UK, links, courses and student profiles.
  • Kazoku Kai International - Clubs training in Wado-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, Goju-Ryu and Shotokan. Syllabus, events, squad details and instructors.
  • Kokusai Butoku Kankyukai Association - Martial Arts Association based in Australia open to all practitioners. Features details on the members, board of directiors and contact information.
  • Kyusho World Network - A place for martial artists of all styles in the study of Kyusho Jitsu (Pressure Point fighting). Features membership, resources, media, forum, chat and links.
  • Louisiana Karate League - Featuring local, national and international Karate tournaments and standings throughout South Louisiana.
  • Lucid Dojo - Virtual training for martial artists to practice in a dream state. Dojo, equipment and crossroads.
  • Martial Arts Foundation National Chapter - Primarily specializing in Karate tournaments. Includes membership, tournament schedules and scholarships.
  • National Karate Kobudo Federation - An organization in the USA dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the traditional Karate and Kobudo arts. Includes information on the organization structure, membership and costs.
  • Nima Karate - Group with clubs all over England, all styles welcome. Squad details, news, referees and locations.
  • Northern Free-style Karate Association - North East England based and affiliated to the AMA. Club details, instructors, events and news.
  • Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association - Listing organization purpose, system, history, administration, class schedule, events, Tai Chi, associated schools and links. [Lorain, OH]
  • Okinawa-Te Budokan - Organization headquarted in California. Includes history, articles, photo gallery, instructors, affiliate schools list, and related information.
  • Professional Karate Commission - A Karate point tournament co-ordination body founded by Glenn Keeney for clubs in the USA and Canada. Includes information on the organization, membership details, tournament results, future events and products for sale.
  • Ro-Ken Karate Association - Interactive information including events, streaming video and general resources.
  • Ryukyu Kobujutsu Association GB - Julian Mead's England headquarters of a world organization dedicated to preserving the Okinawan way of weapons and Yui Shin Kai style of Karate. Includes information on history of the styles, course schedules and contact details.
  • Sabaki-Do - Organization in Sweden. Features school list, links, history, and contact information.
  • Sakugawa Koshiki Shorinji-Ryu Karate - History, terminology, etiquette, news letter, links to affiliate schools, and contact details.
  • Saskatchewan Karate Association - Features school directory and information on the organization.
  • Seido Karate Australia - A Branch of the World Seido Karate Organisation based in Sydney, Australia. Features style description, news, events, dojo directory, and related organization information.
  • Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation - Lists chief instructor's biography, history, class schedule, mission statement, dojo information, photo gallery, certification, kata, principles, vocabulary, events, tournaments and seminars and martial arts directory. [Philadelphia, PA]
  • Sekai Shindo Ryu Karate Do Renmei - World governing body for the Shindo style based in Essex, England. Includes an organization structure, history of the style and contact details.
  • Shidokan - An organization that produces and promotes full contact karate tournaments throughout the USA. The Shidokan style combines the best of bare knuckle karate, Thai boxing and American grappling.
  • Shorinjiryu Shinzen Kyokai - An organization of Shorinjiryu schools with over 30 dojos around the world. Includes style history, lineage, membership information, contact details, and event calendar.
  • Shoto Budo - UK based organisation. History, clubs, news, courses, gallery and childrens area.
  • South Australian Karate Federation - Calendar, events, clubs, coaches, referees and forum.
  • S.W.A..T. - Southwest Association of Tournaments is an open ratings system covering Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
  • Tokoshi Martial Arts Federation - An eclectic style of Karate utilizing concept from jujutsu and aikido. TMAF aims to unify martial artists in a spirit of mutual respect and purpose. Based in Midway, Ohio.
  • Traditional Karate Association - Ricky Adams non-political organization for grading Shito ryu karate, Dento ryu kobudo and Goshin Budo jiujitsu. Includes ranking requirements, kata lists and contact email address.
  • Ty-Ga Karate International - Organization headquarters in the United Kingdom of Gary Wasniewski's system of karate. Includes details of club locations and affiliations.
  • United Karate Alliance - A tournament and ratings organization providing a professional sport karate circuit, on-line ratings, published rule book, tournament schedule, and photo gallery.
  • United States Chito Ryu Karate Federation - USA headquarters for the organization in Kentucky. Includes a comprehensive background on the style including history, lineage, technical information and links to member dojos.
  • United States Karate Alliance Brazil - Gallery and basic information.
  • The USA Karate Federation - A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting karate within the USA. Includes information on the structure, tournaments, links and affiliations to other organizations including the World Karate Federation.
  • USA National Karate Do Federation - A representative body governing national competitions and operating as a member of the US Olympic committee. Includes information on national tournaments, world karate and Olympic updates.
  • USA National Karate-do Federation of VA - Organization headquartered in Virginia. Features a members list, and organization information.
  • Welsh Contact Karate Association - An organizational site which features school directory, instructor biographies, news, and contact information.
  • Welsh Karate Association - Organization headquarted in the United Kingdom. Includes events, tounaments, membership, links and contact information.
  • World Budo Federation - An organizational site that includes membership, links, and contact information
  • World Karate Federation - The representative of world Karate aimed at having kata and kumite competition, governed by a set of rules and guidelines acceptable to the International Olympic Committee, accepted as official events in the Olympic Games.
  • World Seido Karate Organization - Community information, schedule, calendar, meditation, philosophy, programs, videos and world wide dojos.
  • World Yoshukai Karate Kubudo Organization - Organizational site which features news, events, school directory, history, and a members area.
  • Yoshukai International Karate - Organizational site. Features history, news, instructors and events.

Shito Ryu


  • ACKU - All Canadian karate union with schools throughout the region. Organizational information, events, courses, store and photographs.
  • All South Karate Federation - JKA organisation run by Sensei Takayuki Mikami, covering Southern USA. Club listing and Events.
  • American JKA Karate Association - An independent group that offers national tournaments, training and ranking. Includes information on membership, events, camps and programs.
  • Association Budokai Shotokai de Portugal - Includes news and events, practice times and places, history, articles, discussion forum, and diverse association related information. [English/Portuguese]
  • Association Karate do Shotokai Okinawa - Located in Tangier, Morocco. Pages include training times, instructor profiles, and pictures. [Français/English/Espagnol]
  • British Shotokan Kyogi - Organization dedicated to supporting the style. Includes information on British and international dojo locations, a calendar of events, style history and basic terminology.
  • Bukonkai Karate International - Based in the United Kingdom and Malta. Instructors, gallery, locations, events and FAQ.
  • Bulgarian Karate Society - A non-profit organization dedicated to upholding the principles of Master Funakoshi's Dojo Kun. Offers kata videos and information on training.
  • CSKA - Canadian Shotokan Karate Association. Events posting, dojo listing with contact information, and instructor profiles.
  • Federation British Shotokan Karate Union International - Headquartered in Southern England this organization follows the teachings of Nakayama. Includes contact information affiliations, dojo locations, squad training and events.
  • Finland KDS - Karate-do Shotokai organization. News, clubs, genealogy, history, photos, books, links and related information.
  • Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association - Official website for FSKA World Headquarters located in Milpitas, CA. About the organisation, events, locations and information.
  • International Karate-do Shotokai - Europe-based group. Includes history, school directory, and catalog of products. [English/French/German/Yugoslavia/Italian]
  • International Shotokan Karate Federation - Headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pages include world club listing, and events posting.
  • International Shotokan Karate Federation - Central Region - Includes news, forum, FAQs, member profiles and photos.
  • Irish Shotokan Karate Union - ISKU promotes the sport in Ireland. Affiliated clubs, events information and links of general interest to students.
  • Japan Karate Association Pakistan - JKA affiliated with clubs based in Balochistan, Punjab and Sindh. Gallery and events.
  • Karate Union of Great Britain - Wales - The largest Welsh traditional association. Includes calendar, club details, news and location information.
  • KDS - Karate-Do Shotokai Association practising the style as taught by Master Mitsusuke Harada. Articles, news, clubs and courses.
  • Livingston Karate Club - National Karate Federation of Scotland affiliated, based Livingston, West Lothian. Venues, training elements and forum.
  • Mizu Shotokan Karate Club - Affiliated to SKIF International under Hirokazu Kanazawa with dojo's located in London and Surrey. Training and grading information.
  • National Karate Federation of Scotland - Representing clubs located in Aberdeen, Dunblane, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Livingston and Stirling. Locations, training, technical committee, code of conduct, history, news and championships.
  • North American Karate Federation - Led by Master Kazumi Tabata, 8th degree black belt. Information on tournaments and training principles.
  • North American Shotokan Karate Association - Features school listing, events, links, newsletter, and information about the organization.
  • Portugal KDS - Portugeuse Shotokai Association run by Mitsusuke Harada. Clubs, instructors and resources.
  • Redditch & Pershore Shotokan Karate Academy - Affiliated to the English Shotokan Academy (founder Steve Cattle) Chief Instructor Slater Williams 6th Dan. Instructors, news, gallery, training schedule and information.
  • School of Shotokan Karate Do - Dojos located in New Delhi, India. Organization hierarchy, grading system, photo gallery, and test syllabus.
  • Scottish Shotokan Academy - Association hosts clubs throughout Scotland. Information on events and member dojos.
  • Scuola Shotokai Italia - Organization located in Italy. Online magazine, bookstore, history, techniques, essays, photos and general information. [English/Italian]
  • Seishinkai Shotokan Karate International - Chief Instructor, Malcolm Phipps, 6th Dan. Pages provide information on SSKI grading, courses and competitions. As well as a world affiliated club listing.
  • SEKU - Hampshire based association with a commitment to traditional Karate. Organisation information, news, club directory and events.
  • Shotokan Karate Association of Thailand - J.K.A. Thailand. Information on organization, dojo locations, and chief instructor profile. [Thai/English]
  • Shotokan Karate Do International Federation - United States organization. Dojos, instructors, events and information.
  • Shotokan Karate England - EKGB affiliated with training locations in London and the Southern England. Events, news and information.
  • Shotokan Karate in the Pacific Northwest - JKA-US Northwest, Inc. Traditional karate organization. Includes links to member dojos in Oregon and Washington USA, newsletter, events, and contacts. Affiliated with AAKF and ITKF.
  • Shotokan Karate International India - Branch in India. News, events, gallery and dojo listing.
  • Shotokan Karate International of Great Britain - Teaching, and promoting traditional shotokan karate-do. Instructors, dojos, news, events and movie clips.
  • Shotokan Karate of America - Non-profit organization headed by Tsutomu Ohshima. World wide SKA dojo directory, insights into teachings, and philosophies.
  • Shotokan Karate Shobukan International Association - Dojo headquarters. Information on members, instructors, events, schedules and photo gallery.
  • Shukokai Karate Union - UK based, teaching the style of Sensei's Tani and Kimura. Club details, events and gallery.
  • SKIF Ireland - Shotokan Karate International Federation. Committee, grading, articles and information.
  • SKJF - Shotokan Karatedo of Japan Federation. News, grading requirements, kata and membership details.
  • SSKA - Southern shotokan karate association. Information, syllabus, techniques and gallery.
  • Suisse Shotokan Karate - A non-profit organization with 23 dojo in Europe. History, portraits, locations and training information. [English/French/Dutch/Italian]
  • Tora-Kai - A network of traditional shotokan clubs throughout Scotland, all affiliated to the UKTKF. Pages list affiliated clubs, their training schedule and contact information.
  • Ukrainian League of Karate - Representative of the European Karate Federation. Structure, calender and forum.[Ukrainian, Russian, English]
  • United Shotokan Karate Federation - Organization based in Dublin, Ireland. Details member dojos, instructor profiles, instruction venues and times, and course details.
  • WSKO - Welsh Shotokan Karate Organisation. Training information, news, kata and kumite videos.

Shorin Ryu

Goju Ryu

  • All Japan Karate Do Goju Kai Association - Headquarters of Goju Kai containing details of the association history, the management structure and a schedule of events. [Japanese/English]
  • Canada Seiwa Kai - Canadian branch affiliated to the JKF. History, instructors, dojo locations, gallery and karate information.
  • Canadian Meibukan Goju-Ryu Association - Promotes ideals and curriculum of the traditional style recognized by the Meibukan Hombu Dojo and the International Meibukan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association. Includes articles on theory and technical history, events, dojo directory, and contact information.
  • Chinese Goju - Founded by Ron Van Clief with training in Lawton, Oklahoma and Fayetteville, North Carolina. Instructors, school details and training information.
  • English Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association - A non profit making organisation based in the United Kingdom. A member country of the IOGKF. Currently 20+ Dojo in this association. Site includes association history, links, events calendar, and membership detail. Sensei Ernie Molyneux's website.
  • GKI - Goju-Ryu Karate-Do International - Goju-Ryu Karate-Do International is led by Sensei James Rousseau 8th Dan, and provides instruction in Okinawan Goju-Ryu. The association has members in UK and Sweden and affiliates in many countries around the world.
  • Gloucester Traditional Karate Association - Canadian headquarters teaching the Meibukan style. History, lineage, instructors, news and gallery.
  • Goju Kempo Federation - Canadian Goju Kempo Association. A Canadian form of Goju based on the teachings of Miyagi Chojun. Sensei James Eke's website.
  • Goju Ryu Karate do Seiwakai - Dojo's located in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Training centers, news and gallery.
  • Gojukai Karate - Based Cape Town, South Africa. Events, training locations and community projects.
  • Goju-Kai Karate-Do - IKGA based in Western Australia. History, training details, masters and championships.
  • Goju-Kai Karate-Do Australia - Headquarters of the International Karate Do Goju Kai Association (IKGA) in Sydney. Includes history of the IKGA, the Sydney dojo, the Gogen Yamaguchi style and provides locations with contacts for dojos around Australia.
  • Goju-Kai Karate-Do USA - Hanshi, Noremi Gosei Yamaguchi classical Karate Goju Kai, organization headquarters and school. Includes curriculum, school directory, training times, fees schedule, history of the style, lineage details and publications for sale.
  • Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai - GKK based North America. Events, newsletters, history, masters, membership forms and training resources.
  • International Japan Karate-Do Kenbudokai - A Goju-Kai organization. Features news, events, articles, instructor profiles, and membership details.
  • International Kenshi Kai Organization - Contains syllabus, terminology, biographies, and information about the organization.
  • IOGKF Belgium - Goju-Ryu Karate-Do as practiced in Belgium. Affliliated to Morio Higaonna Shihan's IOGKF organisation. Sensei Patrick Curinckx's website.
  • IOGKF Bermuda - Goju-Ryu Karate in Bermuda. Part of the International Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (IOGKF). Sensei Bob Smith's website.
  • IOGKF Canada - Goju-Ryu organization in Canada, based in Ontario and Quebec. Traditional Okinawan Karate-Do as practiced by Shihan Morio Higaonna. Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura's website.
  • IOGKF India - Academy of Martial Arts, India. Est 1964. Includes History, Events, News, Instructor & Membership Information, Photo Galleries and more. Sensei Pervaz B Mistry's website.
  • IOGKF International Headquarters - Official website of the International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (IOGKF) Goju-Ryu Karate Organisation. World renowned karate instructor Shihan Morio Higaonna's website.
  • IOGKF Nederland - Karate organization based in Holland teaching IOGKF Goju-Ryu, as taught by the late Sensei Harry de Spa. Site includes news, evenets and dojo information. Sensei Sidney Leijenhorst's website.
  • IOGKF South Africa - South African Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate (SAGA). Details of SAGA Origins, Chief Instructors, Organisation, History, Current and Upcoming events, Gashukus, Seminars, General FAQ's on Karate. Sensei Bakkies Laubcher's website.
  • JKF Goju-Kai South Africa - Japanese Goju Ryu Karate Do (Seiwa Kai South Africa). Good site with news, lineage chart, direction map and list of instructors. Sensei Ben Maré's website.
  • Okinawan Traditional Goju Ryu Karate-Do Association - This is the site of the group run by George Andrews, one of the senior instructors of Morio Higaonna's IOGKF. The OTGKA is based in London, UK.
  • Seiwa-Kai Capetown - Japanese Karate Federation Goju-Kai headed by Shuji Tazaki Hanshi 8th Dan. Based in Cape Town, South Africa. Includes syllabus and training methods, grading and belt ranking, parent information, photos, international karate information and related links. Sensei Peter Klipfel's website.
  • Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Association (Australia) - Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Association (TOGKA), based in Australia. Chief Instructor Sensei Graham Ravey 6th Dan.
  • Urban's Fight School's Network - Official site to USA Goju Karate. Features an affiliate school listing, links, photos and articles by Peter G. Urban (founder).

Wado Ryu




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Karate Depot Martial arts supplies including uniforms, karate equipment, sparring gear and martial arts weapons. $2.95 shipping.

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World Karate Federation The representative of world Karate aimed at having kata and kumite competition, governed by a set of rules and guidelines acceptable to the International ...

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Shotokan Karate of America Non-profit organization headed by Tsutomu Ohshima. World wide SKA dojo directory, insights into teachings, and philosophies.

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